The right bedding

Many people use newspapers on the bottom of the guinea pig cage before it is filled with bedding material. They keep the cage clean, absorb some of the moist and it’s very handy to roll up the bedding when the cage needs to be cleaned. However, make sure that your animals don’t eat the newspapers literately.

There are many different sorts of bedding material. Most owners use wood shavings, hemp bedding or straw. But there are many more options!

Wood shavings

This is the most commonly used bedding material for small animals. It absorbs very well, is not very expensive and is widely available.

Absorption level: very good

Dust level: small packages often contain more dust than the larger ones. There is also quality difference between brands

Mess level: high, due to the small particles

Comfort level: high, it’s often very soft

Price level: very good

There are also coarse wood shavings available. These variants contain less dust and are less messy.

Hemp bedding

This bedding is a by-product of the clothing industry. A good brand is low in dust, odourless and it absorbs very well.

Absorption level: very good

Dust level: often low

Mess level: high, due to small particles

Comfort level: average, it’s not very soft but also not hard

Price level: often good

Chopped straw

Chopped straw is soft and low in dust and it has a isolating quality. It absorbs better than normal straw, but the absorption level is still a lot lower than that of wood shavings.

Absorption level: average to low

Dust level: low

Mess level: high due to small particles

Comfort level: high

Price level: depends on the brand from very good to expensive

Chopped straw may be very useful to provide a warm layer of bedding in colder periods for animals that are housed outside.


Straw absorbs bad but has a very good isolating function. This makes it especially useful in outdoor pens during colder periods. Animals often like to sniff out the best parts to eat.

Straw from bigger bales with long harder parts may cause eye damage in guinea pigs. It’s better to buy smaller bags of straw that is partly chopped or pressed, but always keep an eye on the content.

Absorption level: low

Dust level: low

Mess level: average

Comfort level: average

Price level: not expensive

Wood pellets or straw pellets

Pellets absorb moist and fall apart as a heavy powder. They may be useful in a cage if it’s covered by another more comfortable bedding, because the pellets themselves are very uncomfortable to walk on and may not be eaten. They are also handy to fill a toilet for rabbits.

Absorption level: high

Dust level: low

Mess level: low

Comfort level: not comfortable

Price level: not expensive

Pressed paper pellets

Recycled paper pellets absorb very well, are softer than wood pellets and very low in dust. They often are quite expensive.

This bedding is very useful for rabbit toilets and rat cages.

Absorption level: very high

Dust level: very low

Mess level: low

Comfort level: average

Price level: expensive

Cardboard pieces

These particles are dust free and coarse, so they aren’t messy. You need a thick layer of bedding to make it useful. It is also handy for long-haired animals, because it won’t stick in their coat.

Absorption level: low

Dust level: very low

Mess level: low

Comfort level: low

Price level: expensive

Wood pieces

Though this bedding is regularly used for guinea pigs, it’s not suitable at all. The absorption level is low and the particles are often too sharp for their bare feet. It is a good bedding material for rats because of its low dust level.

Absorption level: low

Dust level: low

Mess level: coarse particles don’t mess, the finer sorts can be messy

Comfort level: low

Price level: not expensive


Dust-free and super soft, but you will have some extra work to wash everything. You also need a layer under the fleece liners to absorp moist. You’ll need to remove the poop daily to keep everything clean.

Absorption: low, you will also need towels or something else to absorb moist

Dust level: low

Mess level: low

Comfort level: high

Price level: low (but you’ll have to wash more often)

Which bedding is not suitable at all?

  • Litter box filler: this is not suitable as a bedding at all and even dangerous when small animals eat from it.
  • Puppy pads: these are sometimes used under fleece bedding to absorb the moist. Keep in mind that you’ll throw away the pads every time, which cannot be recycled.
  • Hamster wool: maybe it’s soft, but wool can be dangerous when animals eat from it. It’s even dangerous for hamsters, because the wool can get stuck in their cheek pouches.
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